Daniel-Mihail Sandru – relevant activities in the field of personal data protection Daniel-Mihail Sandru – relevant activities in the field of personal data protection Institutions: European Court of Human Rights – Ad hoc Judge Founding member of the Center for Personal Data Protection , “Petru Maior” University, Târgu Mureș, Romania Head of the Center for European Law Studies , Institute for Legal Research “Andrei Radulescu”, The Romanian Academy Professor in EU law at the University of Bucharest ; University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest; University Petru Maior , Târgu-Mureș Chairman/President – Societatea de Științe Juridice [Legal Sciences Society] Chairman/President – Asociaţia română de drept şi afaceri europene [Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs] Book: Irina Alexe, Nicolae-Dragoş Ploeşteanu, Daniel-Mihail Şandru (eds), Personal Data Protection. ...
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