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Daniel-Mihail Sandru, Membru fondator al Centrului pentru Protectia Datelor

Daniel-Mihail Sandru – relevant activities in the field of personal data protection

Daniel-Mihail Sandru – relevant activities in the field of personal data protection

 European Court of Human Rights – Ad hoc Judge
 Founding member of the Center for Personal Data Protection, “Petru Maior” University, Târgu Mureș, Romania
 Head of the Center for European Law Studies, Institute for Legal Research “Andrei Radulescu”, The Romanian Academy
 Professor in EU law at the University of BucharestUniversity Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest; University Petru Maior, Târgu-Mureș
Chairman/President – Societatea de Științe Juridice [Legal Sciences Society]
Chairman/President – Asociaţia română de drept şi afaceri europene [Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs]

Irina Alexe, Nicolae-Dragoş Ploeşteanu, Daniel-Mihail Şandru (eds), Personal Data Protection. Impact of personal data protection on the business environment. Assessing the Romanian experiences and new challenges of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679, Editura Universitară, 2017, ISBN 978-606-28-0588-3, DOI 10.5682 / 9786062805883. My contributions: Daniel-Mihail ŞANDRU, Dragoş-Alin CĂLIN, Constantin-Mihai BANU, Application and interpretation of Directive 95/46 by the Romanian Courts of Justice. Typologies and Legal Consequences, pp. 41-76; Daniel-Mihail ŞANDRU, The Legal Regime of Personal Data Protection is in the „rethinking” process  pp. 272-278
Editor, member of scientific committees
Member of the Scientific Committee – Romanian Journal of Data Protection
Editor in chief of the Revista română de drept european [Romanian Journal of European Law]
Editor of Afaceri juridice europene.Blog (European Legal Affairs.Blog)
Member of the Scientific Board of the JurisclasorCEDO Journal
Daniel-Mihail Şandru, The Importance of preliminary references in the field of Personal Data Protection. Relevant Romanian Cases and Experiences, Revista română de dreptul afacerilor [Romanian Journal of Business Law], no. 4/2017, p. 157-167.
Daniel-Mihail Şandru, The Legal Regime of Personal Data Protection is in the process of rethinking, Revista română de dreptul afacerilor [Romanian Journal of Business Law], no. 3/2015, ISSN 1583-493x; pp. 40-45; European Legal Affairs, no. 1/2015; republished in the volume Personal Data Protection. Impact of personal data protection on the business environment. Evaluations of Romanian experiences and new challenges of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679. The paper was published as a result of participation in the „European Data Protection Day – Reform of the Personal Data Protection European Legislation Framework” organized by the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data at the Parliament Palace, Bucharest (January 28, 2015)
 Daniel Mihail ŞandruConstantin Mihai Banu, Dragoş Alin Călin, The Interpretation and Application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights in References for a Preliminary Ruling in Courts of Romania, [L’interprétation et l’application de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne et de la Convention de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales dans les demandes de décision préjudicielle devant les tribunaux de la Roumanie], Romanian European Law Magazine. No. 1/2013, p. 105-135, ISSN 2068-8083.
The 14th of December, 2017 – International Conference „National and International Landmarks in GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)” – 2nd edition organized by „Petru Maior” University. Partners: The Romanian Association for Law and European Affairs (RALEA), IUS IUVENTUTIS LAW CLUB which took place at the „PETRU MAIOR” UNIVERSITY OF TIRGU MURES, LEGALITC, DATA PROTECT OFFICE, AMPLUSNET, GDPR COMPLET. Member of the Scientific Committee; Member of the organizing committee; Moderator. Daniel-Mihail Sandru, In new times, old principles. Critical remarks on two new phrases introduced in Art. 5 of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD). Details
The 14th of December, 2017 – Training course in the General Data Protection field, organized by „Petru Maior” University. Daniel-Mihail Şandru: Compliance with the mandatory provisions of (EU) Regulation 2016/679: what can be done ?The Lawfulness of processing: consent and cases in which processing can be carried out without the consent of the data subject

The 13th of December, 2017 - Seminar on „Key elements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Hotel Orizont, Predeal, organized by the Romanian Society for for Public and Private Affairs Research (SOROCAP). Keynote speaker. Daniel-Mihail Şandru, Compliance with the mandatory provisions of (EU) Regulation 2016/679: what can be done ?; Lawfulness of processing: consent and situations in which processing can be carried out without the consent of the data subject
The 27th of November, 2017 – Debate. „One plan, two plans, 3D”, organized by UCDC, ARDAE/RALEA and CDP-UPM; Moderator, Organizer
The 24th of November, 2017 – National Conference on „Difficult Problems of the Internet Law (2nd ed.). The General Data Protection Regulation is already in force”, organized by the Society of Legal Sciences, Bucharest. Prof. univ. Dr. Daniel-Mihail Şandru, „Situations in which the processing of personal data is allowed without the consent of the data subject.”
The 23rd of November, 2017 – National Conference on „Virtual Communities in the Age of the General Data Protection Regulation”, organized by Danubius University in partnership with the Data Protection Center within „Petru Maior” University, the Romanian Association of Law and European Affairs (RALEA), the Center for European Law Studies (CELS /CSDE) within the Institute for Legal Research „Acad. Andrei Rădulescu” of the Romanian Academy and LegalITC. Prof. univ. Dr. Daniel-Mihail Sandru, The Impossible Coexistence between Data Protection and Virtual Communities? What’s next? Member of the Scientific Steering Committee.
The 7th of November, 2017 – Debate „Consent in GDPR. What do we do?”, organized by the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest. Moderator.
The 19th to 20th of October 2017 – The European Conference on Financial Services (ECFS 2017) organized by the Institute of Financial Studies, „Petru Maior” University and the Romanian Society for Public and Private Affairs Research in Tirgu Mures in partnership with „Transylvania” University of Brasov, „Babeş-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, Romanian Association of Law and European Affairs (RALEA / ARDAE) and Center for Arbitration and Mediation in Insurance Association (CAMIA / ACAMA) from Bucharest. Member of the Scientific Committee. Prof. univ. Dr. Daniel-Mihail ŞANDRU, Professor, Elements regarding the regulation of the consent in the processing of personal data, according to article 6 of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679.
The 18th of September, 2017 – Debate on Case Barbulescu vs. Romania. The final decison organized by the The Legal Sciences Society, Bucharest. Speaker.
The 14th of September, 2017 – EMEA Conference: GDPR Expert Knowledge: Luis Neto Galvão, Simona Sandru, Bart van Buitenen, Cristian Driga. Media Partner (Organizer)
The 14th July 2017 – E4 „IT Platform Dissemination Event, Legal Information Technology Community – LITC. The Consortium consists of two universities in Romania (Danubius University of Galati and Tibiscus University in Timisoara), a university in Spain – UNIVERSIDAD DE LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA, a university in Italy – Second University of Naples, and a Romanian NGO – LEGALITC – which has competence in the field of information society and law. I delivered a presentation on the Importance of putting the project’s results into practice in a Master’s program: The Right of Virtual Communities.
The 17th to 18th March 2017 – National Conference „The impact of personal data protection on the business environment. Assessments of Romanian Experience and the new challenges of the (EU) Regulation 2016/679, The Influence of Personal Data Protection within the Business Environment; New challenges of the General Data Protection Regulation”, Petru-Maior University, Târgu-Mureş. Certificate of speaker and organizer. Daniel-Mihail Şandru, Dragoş-Alin Călin, Constantin-Mihai Banu„The application and interpretation of Directive 95/46 by Romanian courts. Typologies and legal consequences”. I presented the volume Simona Sandru, Personal Data Protection and Privacy, Hamangiu, 2016.
The 27th of January, 2017 – Symposium „The New General Data Protection Regulation – Implications and Effects”, organized by the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data at the Parliament Palace, Bucharest. Participant
The 28th of July, 2016 – Debates Pokemons among us - legal discussions – organized by the Legal Sciences Society. Moderator, Organizer
The 31st of March, 2016 – Conference „Copyright and the Internet”, Alain Berenboom, Romanian Academy Library (also lectured: univ. prof. PhD Viorel Roş, President of the Intellectual Property Rights Association), organized by the Embassy of Belgium in Romania and the Delegation Wallonia-Brussels; partners: The Romanian Academy Library and ONV LAW. Participant.
The 28th of January, 2016 – Symposium on „Data protection in the workplace”, organised by the National Supervisory Authority For Personal Data Processing, Parliament Palace, Bucharest. Univ. prof. dr. Daniel Mihail Şandru, The Court of Justice of the European Union and the data protection in the workplace.

The 28th of January, 2015 – Symposium „European Data Protection Day – Reform of the Personal Data Protection Framework at European Level”, organized by the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Supervision at the Parliament Palace, Bucharest. Daniel-Mihail ŞandruThe Personal Data Protection Legal Status is in the process of rethinking, European Legal Affairs, no. 1/2015; RRDA, nr. 3/2015, p. 40-45. Daniel-Mihail Şandru, The Legal Regime of Personal Data Protection is undergoing a rethinking process, the Romanian Journal of Business Law (RRDA), no. 1/2015, p. 40-48.
The 4th of February 2010 – International Conference „Relationships between National Constitutional Courts and European Union Law: Two recent examples (the Bundesverfassungsgericht decision on the Lisbon Treaty and the RAC decision on the Retention Law)”, organized by the Center for European Law Studies, the Institute for Legal Research „Acad.Andrei Radulescu” of the Romanian Academy; Organizer, moderator
The 19th of June, 2015 – Member of the doctoral thesis support board/comitte – Simona Sandru, Legal protection of the right to privacy, in the context of processing personal data; Coordinator univ. prof. dr. Simina Elena Tanasescu.


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