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Se afișează postări din februarie, 2012

Perioada de inscriere pentru Fiat Justitia prelungită

Perioada de înscriere pentru concursul Fiat Justitia a fost prelungită până la data de 15 martie 2012. Pentru informaţii despre concurs accesaţi link-urile: , aici găsiţi cauza şi regulamentul: . Mult succes!


Traditionally speaking, Public International Law represents a set of norms enacted by states in order to regulate the relations between them. However, since the end of the Cold War, the role of NGOs has significantly influenced the international realm. NGOs have been subject to significant growth, especially in the area of human rights, humanitarian law and environmental law. Currently, Article 71 of the UN Charter serves as a legal basis for the activities of NGOs. Article 71 provides that NGOs can intervene in the international arena and can be granted consultative status. NGOs can influence international law-making process in several ways. Firstly, they encourage states to codify international rules. Their initiatives result very often in soft law, which may serve as a basis for future “hard law”. Secondly, NGOs have a watchdog and monitoring role, they ensure that legal norms are applied correctly and provide technical resources or expertise. Furthermore, as Cullen and Morrow...


Momentan îmi fac masterul în drept internaţional public la Universitatea Leiden din Olanda şi am avut extraordinara onoare de a reprezenta universitatea la faza natională din Olanda a concursului interna ţional de pledoarii Philip C. Jessup ( ) . Datorită faptului că în urmă cu un an am participat şi la faza naţională din România al aceluiaşi concurs reprezentând echipa Universităţii Petru Maior, aş dori să compar cele două faze naţionale. D iferenţa cea mai evidentă este faptul că în Olanda faza naţională este organizată de un institut imparţial (Asser institute) care nu are niciun fel de legătură cu universităţile participante. Într-adevăr există o taxă de înscriere, dar în schimbul acestei taxe institutul aduce cei mai buni judecători Jessup disponibili în momentul de faţă (de obicei nu cetăţeni olandezi)....


I will focus on the advantages of soft law in order to understand the reason why it became such an important tool in international law in the recent decades. Before starting I will define the term soft law. The notion describes international instruments that their makers recognise are not treaties [1] and which are not intended to create legal rights and obligations . [2] The idea is based on the presupposition that we need complementary normative instruments in order to regulate the multi-dimensioned problems of our contemporary world. [3] Firstly, as Anthony Aust puts it, there is a lack of formality with non-binding instruments. As a consequence, while an informal instrument becomes effective on signature or at a fixed date, [4] a treaty can only become effective upon domestic ratification, which can take a long time. [5] For example the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development could achieve universal participation in such a short period of time only due to its characte...

Regulament şi Cauza Fiat Justitia 2012

Bună ziua! Vă invităm să citiţi regulamentul concursului. Puteţi descărca regulamentul Fiat Justitia 2012 dând click pe linkurile următoare: pentru format doc (Word) şi aici pentru format PDF . Pentru a vă ajuta să vă pregătiţi din timp şi pentru a vă face o idee despre caz am hotărât să vă postăm cauza. Click aici pentru a descărca: pentru format doc (Word) şi aici pentru format PDF . Vă dorim mult succes!

Universality of human rights and cultural relativism in the context of the burqa ban

Author: Norbert Pal and Andrei Palade T he first operative paragraph of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action asserts that the universal nature of human rights and freedoms is beyond question. [1] However, having in mind France’s ban on the full face veil (which went into effect last year) we can see that things are not so simple. The veil/burqa/niqab is an outer garment worn by women in some Islamic traditions to cover their bodies in public places. While some women wear this garment as an expression of their belief, some are forced to wear facing harsh punishments in case of disobedience. First, I will try to argue why it is bad to ban such garments and then vice versa. On the one hand, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights guarantees everyone the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, as well as the freedom to manifest his or her religion or belief [2] „alone and in private, in community with others or in public.” [3] Th...